Garden Update Nov 16 2023

Garden Update Nov 16 2023

All are welcome to join the Garden Gang spread wood chips around our brambles, berries, and vines. We will gather at 9:30 am on Wednesday, November 22, at 9:30 am. Bring gloves, wheelbarrows, shovels, and racks if you have them.

My Experience with Sr. Thea Bowman, by Joan DeMerchant

In the late 1980’s, I was the Associate Director of the Institute for Pastoral Life (IPL) in Kansas City, an organization founded to serve the Home Mission Dioceses in the U.S. Our mission was to train liaisons (men and women: religious, lay, and ordained) from these...
Garden Update Nov 10 2023

Garden Update Nov 10 2023

The Garden Gang was working diligently on Saturday making necessary repairs and doing maintenance work to get the garden tucked away for winter.  Pray for a sufficient amount of moisture (while allowing for safe driving!) until spring, which will help the garden be...

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Nov 12 2023

  We continue to livestream our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, reaching out to parishioners and friends who are in hospitals, in nursing homes or housebound. In addition, the availability of the livestream Sunday Mass is for those who may be pregnant, parents of...