Sunday, February 9, WAY BEFORE THE SUPER BOWL, following our Sunday Mass. Sr. Vicki Lichtenauer SCL, will share her experiences as a caregiver, and her program "Deep Windows" for people with dementia/Alzheimer's diagnosis. She was share with us how her program is beneficial to all of the family members in that situation. Bonnie will share […]
Sunday, Feb. 16, after Mass, Bonnie will meet with families to help them prepare their children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. If your family has someone who would like to receive these Sacraments, please email Bonnie at so that she can provide materials. All ages are welcome.
City on a Hill is the Catholic young adult apostolate that provides community, inspiration, and formation for young adults in the Kansas City metro area: KC Underground, February 20, 7:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Parish, 5501 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS 66226. Candlelight Eucharistic Adoration and reconciliation. Weekly email, The Loop get-connected.
Join us on Saturday, February 22, for our winter FUNdraiser! We will gather in Marian Hall for this year’s Chili Contest and playing of JIMBO (our own version of Bingo). Dinner includes chili, salad and dessert. Adults $5.00 Children$3.00 5:30-7:30 pm Fun, prizes, raffle and more!!!!!!!!
To be compliant with Diocesan guidelines, St James Midtown has a report due on March 1 regarding the "Circle of Grace" program for the protection of our children. Since St James has small groups of children at varying ages, the following will occur: 1. Have a meeting with parents (and children) who are in our […]
Sunday, March 2: Families in the "Seeking God" program will meet together. We're going to have a special presentation on Lent, since Ash Wednesday is March 5. et in Marian Hall after Mass. Please plan to attend and bring the books with