Hello all! I hope and pray that you are all doing well. Fr. Garry, Robert and other parishioners are now on the mend and feeling “normal”. Let us keep praying for them. May I ask you to continue reporting positive Covid cases to the parish office at parish@stjkc.org or 816-561-8512.
This Sunday is the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. There will be NO Mass in St. James this Sunday. To help us with the readings, Pat Marrin shares his reflection and a small sketch entitled “Many Gifts.”
Our sister parish in the north, St. James Liberty again invites us to follow their Livestream on Sunday at 8 AM. If that is too early for you, you can just go to their Facebook page at your most convenient time by clicking this link: ST. JAMES LIBERTY FACEBOOK then click on the recording of this Sunday’s livestream.
Every couple of days, there will be a prayer or thought about the pandemic on our website. To access these prayers or thoughts, please go to the WELCOME tab and then LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES at stjkc.org.
Please look into these attachments: Pat Marrin’s Reflection, Pat Marrin’s small sketch “Many Gifts” and Request from the Social Justice Committee.
Please stay healthy!
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator
3 attachments | ||||
Pat Marrin’s Reflection | ||||
Request from Social Justice Committee |