Garden Update May 30 2024

Garden Update May 30 2024

Summer planting is almost complete. Join us this Saturday at 9:30 to put up trellises and plant sweet potatoes and beans. The following veggies are read to be picked: East Garden Kale Green Onions South Garden Bed 2 – Lettuce Bed 6 – Swiss Chard, Mustard...

Gmail Announcement, Trinity Sunday May 26 2024

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. Steve Nicely shares his reflection. Please see attached Trinity Sunday Bulletin. May we invite those who can attend the Sunday Mass in-person to join us in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in St. James KC. Fr. Garry Richmeier will...
Garden Update May 23 2024

Garden Update May 23 2024

Who knew that potato blossoms were so beautiful. Swing by the garden to see them in person and join us Saturday, May 23rd, at 9:30 am to plant sweet potatoes and tend the garden or pick some veggies: East Garden Kale Green Onions South Garden Bed 2 – Lettuce Bed...

A further Baptism by Richard Rohr

A Further Baptism When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among...

Gmail Announcement, Pentecost Sunday May 19 2024

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. May I share my reflection? Please see attached Pentecost Sunday Bulletin. May we invite those who can attend the Sunday Mass in-person to join us in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in St. James KC. Fr. Garry Richmeier will be our...
Garden Update May 16 2024

Garden Update May 16 2024

Swing by the garden and hunt for garlic scapes. Cut them off where they come out of the stalk and use them like a garlic clove. This Saturday, starting at 9:30 am, we will be setting up trellises; planting squash, corn, beans, and sweet potatoes; weeding; and weed...