With great sadness, I would like to inform you that JEAN HUEBNER passed away yesterday, January 21. Jean’s Funeral Mass will be on Saturday, February 6, 2021 at 11 AM. May Jean rest in peace!
Let us also continue to pray for parishioners, relatives and friends who are ailing right now. Sharon Wallace’s son, Steven, who is ill needs our prayers.
This Sunday is the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Deacon Ross shares with us his reflection (attached).
This Sunday’s Mass will be livestreamed. Please join us remotely for the Mass by clicking on this link: Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC. If you want to attend the Mass in person, please respond to this email or call the parish office at 816-561-8512.
- James Catholic Church has a new Post Office Box address:
St. James Catholic Church
P.O. Box 30388
Kansas City, MO 64112
We recommend that we start using this address to send communications as well as donations.
- The 2020 Contribution Statements will be mailed to you next
- Parish Growth Committee and Social Justice Committee reports are available at the bottom of the Welcome Page of the St. James
To know and participate in the events at St. James or Midtown KC, please see attached files.
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church Parish Administrator
St. James Youth Group meets via zoom on Sunday January 24th at
11:30 am. Please email Chris for the zoom link at
The Youth Group invites young people from 6th grade through 12th
grade to participate.
Five links that you may be interested in:Biden’s inaugural speech, the homily given at the Mass attended by the Bidens and others, Amanda Gordon’s poem The Hill We Climb and finally Inaugural Day photographs. Enjoy!