Contact: Bob Anderson and  Anne Carlson
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Contact: Bob Anderson or Anne Carlson 

The unique spirit of St. James is evident in our Sunday Mass. Every time we celebrate the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, we celebrate God’s love for us and for all.  The Liturgical Ministry coordinates all aspects of the liturgy (hymns, homily, readings, prayers of petition, ministers, special events) in providing a Sunday Mass in which parishioners can celebrate their relationship with God. The Liturgical Ministry welcomes participation in these roles:

  • Music
    Open to adult parishioners including confirmed high school students, the Adult Choir sings at the 10 a.m. Mass and other special liturgies. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Weekly rehearsals on Thursdays and a half-hour warm-up prior to Mass on Sundays are required to participate in this choir.  Contact Robert Basolo if you would like to participate.

    • Adult choir is open to adults.
    • Children’s Choir participates in every Christmas Eve Mass at 4pm. There are several Sunday rehearsals prior to this Mass.
    • Cantors intone the responsorial response through individual singing as well as leading the congregation in song.
  • Lectors
    Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and at other services.  Lectors are asked to read one of the scripture readings for the Sunday liturgy.  The lectors follow a calendar on which they are assigned Sundays to read.  Click here if you would like to be a lector.
  • Eucharistic Ministers
    At most of our Eucharistic liturgies, five adults distribute communion to the congregation.  One distributes the hosts with the priest/celebrant, one distributes the low-gluten hosts, and two offer the chalice to the congregation.  If you wish to become a Eucharistic Minister, please contact Bob Anderson to arrange training.
  • Altar Servers
    Altar servers assist the priest throughout Mass.   We have several youth members who perform this ministry as well as a few adults who also assist.  If you wish to participate in this ministry, please contact Bob Anderson.  To be a server, you should have already received first communion.
  • Gift Bearers
    Three people carry the bread, wine, and collection from the back of the church to the altar at the Presentation of the Gifts.  If you would like to serve as a gift bearer, contact Anne Carlson.
  • Intention Book Bearers
    After the homily, a lay minister carries the book forward to include the intentions that parishioners or guests have written in the Prayer of the Faithful.  If you would like to participate, contact Anne Carlson.
  • Greeters
    Greeters welcome worshippers coming to Mass and distribute weekly missals and hymnals.    If you would like to serve as a greeter, contact Denise Simeone.
  • Ushers
    Ushers pass the collection basket to help gather the collection and assist parishioners going to communion.   If you would like to serve as an usher, contact Anne Carlson.
  • Liturgy Committee
    This committee coordinates all aspects of the liturgy (hymns, homily, readings, prayers of petition, ministers, special events) in providing a Sunday Mass in which parishioners can celebrate their relationship with God.  To join the Liturgy Committee, contact Bob Anderson.


Following Mass, volunteers take the Eucharist to residents of Rockhill Manor Care Center or to other parishioners who are unable to attend mass.


The Faith Formation Team plans and assesses ways to help grow the St. James Community in its essential identity as baptized followers of Jesus. The Team provides the community faith formation that draws from the scriptural, doctrinal and liturgical treasures of the Church. Christian Formation covers ongoing formation for adults and sacramental preparation for youth and children.

    • Children’s Liturgy of the Word
      From September through May, children are invited to come forward right after the Opening Prayer so they can be formally dismissed for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word where they study the Sunday’s readings at their own level.  All children present for Mass are welcome, including visitors.  Parents, teachers and teen helpers who would like to help with this ministry are invited to contact the Office by phone or email.
    • Faith Formation Sundays
      On the 3rd Sunday of the month, the whole parish is invited to gather after Mass in Marian Hall for a light lunch followed by a speaker and lively discussion.
    • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
      The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is a formal process for those who are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith.  This is a great opportunity for faith-sharing and evangelization in which both inquirers  and parishioners can journey together in knowledge of the Catholic Faith.


The young people at St. James in middle school and high school have the opportunity to participate in spiritual development, service and socialization through youth activities. Many activities take place after the 10 am Sunday mass. Scheduled activities are printed in the Sunday bulletin.

St. James teens attend the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis (odd number years) and the local Kansas City Catholic Youth Conference (even numbered years).

Confirmation preparation is available for high school students to re-commit to their Catholic faith. Teens will participate in learning sessions, service opportunities, attend mass and a retreat. The Sacrament of Confirmation is scheduled by the diocese. The Bishop celebrates mass and confirms the prepared teens.  If interests in participating in the youth group, contact Fiona Schulte, Youth Group Coordinator.


On the fourth Sunday of the month, parishioners bring donations of food, personal care items and other necessities to Mass for the Bishop Sullivan Center pantry.  At the offertory procession, these gifts are carried to the altar by the children of St. James. After Mass, the donations are gathered for delivery to the Pantry.  Click here if you would like more information.

Contact:  Sarah Hirsch

During the growing season, distribute fresh produce, herbs and flowers grown in the St. James Communal Garden.  Come early, before Mass, to harvest and weigh the produce and display it on the harvest table at the back of church.  After Mass, assist with distribution of garden items to parishioners.  

Click here for a full description of the St. James Communal Garden >>