St James Community Growth Committee
December 7, 2020

 ATTENDANCE:  Jill, Anne, Rick, Joni, Denise, Vivian, Sharon, Chuck, John, Mary & Dan.

We took a good chunk of time at the beginning of the meeting to check in with members finding out how they are doing, coping, etc. during Covid-19.   We also talked about how things will change when we meet again in person.  How will we build back better?

Obviously there is a lot to consider:

  • The ways we interact have changed and will continue to be different
  • New norm, things will be different, but don’t know exactly how things will change
  • The way we address problems will change
  • Time to trust in the Lord, a purification period for nation and church

Discussed the need for a Communication Director, someone who can unite the community.  The new website looks terrific and can help in communicating.  The website also has the Parish Registration form online.

The Zoom Mass has been a blessing and will continue into the future.  Is Mass attendance growing online?  Ask Ben. Pictorial Directory 

Can we get data back from company to put together this directory?

Suggested we need a specific person, a volunteer or paid person, to review what data and photos we have to work with, then put a plan in place to get the work done.  Once the coordinator has developed the plan he/she can distribute some of the work to committee members following their specific guidelines.  This will prevent confusion and delays allowing work to move forward smoothly.

Chuck, Denise, Anne, Joni and Rick agreed to work on this project.

Parish Roster

Long discussion about the need for a Parish Roster ASAP so that our parish family can contact one another.   Privacy issues were discussed.

Rick works with the Parish software database and will create a user-friendly list.  During meeting Rick forwarded documents for our review.

There was a mention that Precious Blood has a good system, reach out for its suggestions.

Briefly mentioned doing a St. James ZOOM interactive event.

Chuck sent a Self-Assessment form he wanted to discuss at meeting.  We ran out of time, and did not get to it.