Sunday, February 9, WAY BEFORE THE SUPER BOWL, following our Sunday Mass. Sr. Vicki Lichtenauer SCL, will share her experiences as a caregiver, and her program "Deep Windows" for people […]
Sunday, Feb. 16, after Mass, Bonnie will meet with families to help them prepare their children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. If your family has someone […]
City on a Hill is the Catholic young adult apostolate that provides community, inspiration, and formation for young adults in the Kansas City metro area: KC Underground, February 20, 7:00 […]
Join us on Saturday, February 22, for our winter FUNdraiser! We will gather in Marian Hall for this year’s Chili Contest and playing of JIMBO (our own version of Bingo). […]
To be compliant with Diocesan guidelines, St James Midtown has a report due on March 1 regarding the "Circle of Grace" program for the protection of our children. Since St […]
Sunday, March 2: Families in the "Seeking God" program will meet together. We're going to have a special presentation on Lent, since Ash Wednesday is March 5. et in Marian […]
Sunday, March 9: Parishioner Michaela Meckel will be with us to address environmental concerns and share her role as an activist for change. Care of the Earth is a principle […]