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My Experience with Sr. Thea Bowman, by Joan DeMerchant
In the late 1980’s, I was the Associate Director of the Institute for Pastoral Life (IPL) in Kansas City, an organization founded to serve the Home Mission Dioceses in the U.S. Our mission was to train liaisons (men and women: religious, lay, and ordained) from these...
Marialuna’s 4th Story: Who is a real friend??
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Marialuna’s 2nd Story: Dear God, It sure is worth the effort…
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Marialuna’s 3rd video: Thank you for sharing with me ….
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Jonah’s 2nd Story: Dear God, I hope you’re not taking a day off!
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Xadriel’s 3rd Movie: A real friend is someone who takes time to listen to you
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Xadriel’s 1st Movie: Just Snapping along with Friends
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Xadriel’s 2nd Movie: I’ve got a good Feeling
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Jonah’s 1st Video: Dear God, I just can’t sleep; want to talk?
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

God, how did I do? Jonah’s 3rd Story:
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...