We continue to livestream our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, reaching out to parishioners and friends who are in hospitals, in nursing homes or housebound. In addition, the availability of the livestream Sunday Mass is for those who may be pregnant, parents of unvaccinated children, immunocompromised and unvaccinated individuals. Here is the link to the livestream: Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC. Recording of the livestreamed Mass can be accessed at https://stjkc.org/sundays-at-st-james.
The one-hour meeting includes a discussion about moving from a Parish Administrator-led parish to a more community-led parish. This will be a bold move, and the outcome of Sunday’s discussion will reflect the type of leader St. James needs and the type of parishioners we need to be as we continue to Build the Kingdom of God together.
We will meet in front of the church immediately after 10 am Mass on December 15th. All are encouraged to attend. The Parish Transition Team will conduct the meeting.
The Nelson graciously moved the start time of our tour on Sunday, Dec. 15 to 1:30pm. We’re hoping this allows our participants to attend Mass, stay for the meeting, and then migrate to the Nelson. Bonnie will provide the “makings” for sandwiches in the Family Room after Mass. We will have cold cuts, bread and condiments, Rice Krispie bars, granola bars and chips. We’ll also have some bottled water. A suggestion: as soon as Mass is finished, make your way to the “Family Room” and get your lunch/snack. Then return to the pews for the Parish Town Hall meeting.
Our tour will meet at the entrance from the parking garage. Docents will meet us there. If you have a museum membership, you can park free. You can park on the street or the lot across the street. Parking in the garage is $10.00. Pair up with membership folks!
• 3rd Sunday of Advent Bulletin & Parish Updates continued
• Encountering the Season: Third Sunday of Advent