The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink and adjust our service opportunities to do safe, socially distanced service. As a result, the teens are videotaping themselves reading Dear God stories.  Marialuna tells  us through the story that it takes a special skill to just about anything:  hitting a ball, kicking a football.   Everyone has different abilities.  She questions what is her gift?  And she so wisely acknowledges that when she uses her talent, it feels so good to receive applause.  And then she closes with such an appropriate statement that a lot of us viewers haven’t made it our own: Rest and relaxation can be a gift from God.   Marialuna closes with a quote from I Cor7:7   “I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.”