The preparation for St. James Confirmation candidates always includes service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink and adjust our service opportunities to do safe, socially distanced service. As a result, the teens are videotaping themselves reading bible stories for everyone but especially children to enjoy. Or in the case of Charlie, a sophomore at a local high school, he chose to do a reflection on one of the Beatitudes, Blessed are the Peacemakers. How apropos for today’s world!
Hi Charlie,
Your reflection is well stated. After you shared your reflection and our Confirmation mass was set for November the 1st, I realized that the Gospel on November 1st is the story of Jesus and the Beatitudes. Nice connection!
I thought your reflection on the Beatitudes about Peacemakers was wonderful. I especially like the way you brought in the Old and New Testament and how Jesus changed the way we look at things.
Congratulation on your Confirmation.
Listening to your Beatitude Lesson, Charlie, the day before the USA elections, fills my heart with calm. Thank you. May your faith sustain you throughout your life.