This Sunday is the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. May I remind you that the 2020 PONTIFICAL GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION will be taken up this Sunday, September 13.

Here are the LINKS for this Sunday:

  1. For the LIVE Stream Mass at 10 AM, please click this link JAMES FACEBOOK PAGE.
  2. To access the recording of the Live Stream Mass, please click this link RECORDED LIVE STREAM MASS.
  3. The Zoom Meeting after Mass will now happen once a month on the third Sunday of the month. Here are the dates: September 20, October 18, November 15, December 20. Here is the link for the ZOOM MEETING AFTER MASS. This link will be sent again before each third Sunday of the month.

If you want to attend Mass in person, please respond to this email or call the parish office at 816-561-8512 to let me know.

Please make sure to access Fr. Mike’s Reflection, the Community Garden Update, STJKC Youth Group 2020 and Voting Information.

Stay safe and be well.

Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church Parish Administrator 816-561-8512

4 attachments

Fr. Mike’s Reflection.pdf

Community Garden Update.pdf

STJKC Youth Group 2020.pdf