Confirmation for St. James Teens
St. James has seven teens to be confirmed on November 1st of 2020. November 1st. All Saints Day is a very appropriate day to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Our seven St. James teens attend school across the metro area in Kansas City, in North Kansas City, and in Kansas. Some teens attend school virtually, while others are attending in hybrid mode, and in person. Their sponsors include a mix of parishioners, grandparents, uncles, and friends.
Confirmation preparation was interrupted in March by the pandemic. On March 7th, we attended a Confirmation Retreat at the Diocesan office facilitated by Michael Nations. March 7th was a full day that included speakers sharing their faith commitment and journey, Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration and ended with Mass at the Cathedral.
The pandemic required that we shift our scheduled activities. The learning sessions became Zoom learning sessions, the service projects could no longer be a group activity like volunteering at Harvesters for the Souper Bowl of Caring that we did in February. Service projects had to be socially distanced and individualized.
St. James teens brought hygiene supplies for Bishop Sullivan Center during the parish birthday celebration. St. James teens collected Candy for Ronald McDonald House instead of participating in the Ronald McDonald House Trunk or Treat. They also collected drink containers for Uplift so Uplift can provide drinking water to people that are homeless. St. James teens video-taped themselves reading a children’s bible story. These stories can be found on the St. James website at
November 1st is the conclusion of this portion of the journey. The journey continues into the future with the St. James teens being involved in Catholic Social Justice causes, in Children’s Liturgy of the Word and various roles in the celebration of mass at St. James or wherever they may be.
Congratulations to:
Christopher – St. Floyd
Charlie – St. John, the Evangelist
Leo – St Pope John the 23rd
Lidakika – St. Mary, Stella Maris
Xarypro – St. Joseph, the Dreamer
Marialuna – St. Josephine Bakhita
Xadriel – St Francis of Assisi