Angel Fund

An angel is a spiritual being that acts according to the will of God, is a messenger of God, and an agent of God’s goodness.  An angel can also be a person of exemplary virtue or conduct.  You and I have been blessed to encounter angels in our lives.

About twelve years ago, a few members of Saint Thomas More (STM) Parish began a pastor’s club fund that allowed me to distribute money to people in need.  Recipients included parents who struggled to provide basic needs for their household, couples who were going through difficult circumstances, families needing home repairs or a kitchen appliance, individuals facing hardships, students who couldn’t afford books or tuition costs, etc.  Though donors, on occasion, may have learned about someone they helped, they never directed the funds or even asked where they were going—merely trusted that their charitable gift was used to assist one of God’s children.  Years after I departed STM, a new generation of donors, who noticed that many people from various parts of the city and beyond came seeking assistance, stepped forward to revive and replenish the fund through my Farnan Spirituality Center that more people could be helped.  Their generous efforts provide holiday meals, furniture for family apartments, beds for children, fees to attend parochial schools, new teeth, eye examinations, clothing, food, Christmas gifts, and household items.  Occasionally, someone might donate a used car to a family in need while we serve as the transfer agent.  Angels have found or given jobs to struggling citizens to gain experience, learn skills, and create a livelihood.  They have spent long hours accompanying those who struggle while learning about their strengths and liabilities as they help them make better choices and find their way toward a brighter future.  Ministers of the angel fund will consider just about anything to be part of God’s army of agents and messengers.

This Saturday evening, September 28, 6-10PM, the angels and I are hosting a party called “When September Ends.”  It will be held at Southside Bar & Grille, 1144 West 103rd Street in Watt’s Mill.  The owners, Matt and Anne Alexiou, as proprietors of the event, are kindly opening their doors to us.  Big People, a local band of five infamous veteran musicians including John Legg, Josh Batz, and John Ammatelli, will be on hand to play from their great array of songs you know and love, from classic rock to modern melodies.  Their big music always brings out big fun in a big way.  Please join us if you’re able.  It is a fundraiser as well as an invitation for you to become part of the angel’s efforts.  There are a few auction items to bid on and opportunities to contribute online.  If you are willing to make a financial gift to the fund or want to bid on an auction item, click here.  Our theme is a song title by Green Day’s lead vocalist who recalled the September when his father died and, as a schoolboy, he had to put his life together without him.  It was adopted by families of the 9-11 tragedy who sought to end their nightmare of terror.  It is a good theme to help one another move from darkness to light and hope.

While the angels continue their good works in the years ahead, I will be engaged with members of my three inner-city parishes to advance the Gospel mission of social outreach in our urban core where the need is great because the rate of poverty and crime is high.  Many lives have been vastly improved because of the presence of the church and by angels and other people of goodwill.  Thank you for your part in helping to make a healthier, holier, happier, and more wholesome Kansas City for all of us, especially those who dwell in darkness.