This week you have the option of any time Pick-Your-Own or to visit the Garden Table at St. James 115th Anniversary Celebration, August 29th, after Mass. This week we have the following ready for picking:




Troost39 Backdoor

-Center Bed: Basil (Thai and Sweet), Rosemary, and Parsley

-Center West Bed: Tomatillos

South Garden

-Beds 4 – 7: Butternut Squash

-Bed 10 and 11 – Green Beans

-Beds 14 and 15: Peppers (Hot and Sweet)

-Beds 16 – 18: Tomatoes

-Bed 20: Eggplant

-Trellises at the end of 15, 18, and 20: Long Beans

– Kale, Collards, Swiss Chard, and Sweet Potato Leaves