This Sunday is Ascension Sunday. Sr. Cele Breen, SCL shares her reflection. Please see attached Ascension Sunday Bulletin. In addition, Fr. Don Farnan’s assignment letter is attached.
Last Tuesday, our nation was rocked again by a mass shooting in Texas. As a baptized Catholic, I cannot get my head around this. As Catholics, many are very passionate in protecting the lives of the unborn but very apathetic to the lives of those born. The Texas mass shooting is telling us that access to assault rifles is just so easy. Unlike in other countries where people also get into arguments, suffer from mental health issues, or even hold racist views, it is much easier for people in the U.S. to pick up an assault rifle and shoot people indiscriminately including children. Something must be done! Our prayers are not enough. “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:26) We must act because our children are our blessings.
Please join us for Sunday Mass remotely by clicking on this livestream link:
Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC.
Recording of the livestreamed Mass can be accessed at –
We continue to livestream our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, reaching out to parishioners and friends who are in hospitals, in nursing homes or housebound. In addition, the availability of the livestream Sunday Mass is for those who may be pregnant, parents of unvaccinated children, immunocompromised and unvaccinated individuals. May we invite those who can attend the Sunday Mass in-person to join us in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in St. James KC. As new cases of Covid infections rise, masks in St. James are strongly recommended.
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator
Attachments; Sunday Bulletin