This Sunday is the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Deacon Ross Beaudoin shares with us his reflection. Please see attached Nineteenth Sunday in OT Bulletin.
The Mass this Sunday will be livestreamed. Please join us remotely for the Mass by clicking on this link: Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC. Recording of the Live Stream Mass can be accessed at –
Considering the high COVID infection rates due to the Delta variant, all Sunday Masses of St. James will be livestreamed starting this Sunday for six weeks. It will be re-evaluated after the 19th of September. St. James is also asking those who will attend the Mass in person to wear masks following the CDC guidelines.
Copies of the Parish Directory are available for pick up. If you have not picked up your family’s copy yet, the copies are available in the back of church or in the rectory during the parish office hours of 9 am to 3 pm, Mondays through Fridays. Remember to check off your name on the Master copy. If there are corrections to be made, please let the parish office know.
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator