HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all mothers, step-mothers, foster-mothers grandmothers, and all mother figures.
This Sunday is the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Deacon Ross Beaudoin shares with us his reflection. Please see attached Sixth Sunday of Easter Bulletin.
The Mass this Sunday will be livestreamed. Please join us remotely for the Mass by clicking on this link: Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC.
NOTE: Kansas City has lifted some Covid-19 guidelines. Starting next Sunday, May 16, St. James Kansas City will take out the BLUE TAPES in church. MASKS will still be required for in-person attendance. If you have been fully vaccinated and are comfortable with the current guidelines, you are invited to attend Mass in-person. Please respond to this email or call the parish office at 816-561-8512 if you plan to attend this Sunday’s Mass.
HEADS UP: The general dispensation for everyone from the obligation to participate in Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation will be removed on June 6, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator
Bulletin for Sunday, May 9, 2021