Gmail Announcements (includes the bulletin and Fr. Mike’s Reflection)
This Sunday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Fr. Mike Roach shares
with us his reflection. Please see attached Ascension Sunday Bulletin.
The Mass this Sunday will be livestreamed. Please join us remotely for the Mass by clicking on this link: Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC.
NOTE: The CDC, Kansas City and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph have lifted
the masking guidelines for those fully vaccinated. But St. James Kansas City will
SLOWLY REOPEN by maintaining the use of masks this Sunday.
If, however, you are comfortable in NOT using your mask, you may do so upon your discretion. Thereis NO need for reservations for in-person attendance starting this Sunday.
Next Sunday is the celebration of Pentecost. As has been our tradition, please wear red or fire colored clothing when you come to Mass.
The St. James Community Garden Gang is pleased to announce that vegetables are ready to be picked up. Please see the bulletin for detailed information.
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator