St. James Leadership Team Meeting
May 11, 2021
Committee Updates  & Agenda

 In attendance:  Bob Anderson, Connie Anderson, Mary Vincent, Ben Babaran, Toni Wurth

Next meeting:  Tuesday,

Agenda Item:  How to open St. James as a parish; suggested by Ben

 Re-opening Mass:

  • Attendance on Mother’s Day May 9 was 91
  • Dispensation ends beginning of June – unclear how that will effect attendance
  • Blue tape is gone from pews – we will wait to see how people space themselves and see what the comfort level is
  • Announce in bulletin / e-mail: KC has no upper limit on gatherings; St. James no longer has a 100 person limit but attendees at Mass must wear a mask
  • For Pentecost:
    • Could have offertory procession and bring up gifts in covered ciborium and covered wine (only needs 3 people)
    • May start having offertory collection – how we do this will depend on several ushers to do the collection; check to see if we have the long-handled baskets
  • Live streaming will continue for near future – camera is up and running; lighting company has been contacted for new lighting; audio is in the works; equipment has been moved to the “studio”
    • Considering scaling back on number of times per month we livestream (will depend on how many people log-in to livestream); need to be consistent with livestreaming schedule; live stream attendance has dropped

How to re-open St. James as a parish:

Hospitality Sunday – could do in July (not before); could do outside; Circle of 8 has requested to host our first Hospitality Sunday when we return;

Pantry Sunday – wait until people are fully back to church – at least until after September / Labor Day

Faith Formation – later in the year

First Sunday Thrift Store Donations – no store opening on Sunday at this time; do announcement in the bulletin if you have a donation please leave it at the back door of the Thrift Store and we will bring it in after Mass.

Fifth Sunday Lunch – not in May;  next one occurs in August with 115th Anniversary Celebration with food from around the world, silent auction, add a zero fund raiser, etc.

Youth Group:  has started meeting and activities will continue; as vaccination rate increases kids can go back to meeting in the youth group room; kids will also be involved in the 115th Anniversary Celebration.


 FINANCE COMMITTEE (Ben Babaran/Mike Waldeck)
Seeing increase in financial contributions as people are returning to church; at 85% of budget for FY 20-21.

Audio system and live-stream equipment has been financed from those funds.

Micronesians have conducted a fundraiser for St. James


Sacramental participation by Micronesian community has increased with attendance at First Communion and adult Confirmation classes


We discussed starting collections and Offertory procession again at Mass.   (See re-opening of Mass section). The readings for Ascension and Pentecost were finalized.

There are a choice of readings for Ascension and Pentecost.  The response for Pentecost will be in different languages. Robert will decide music.

Committee decided to do remembrances of losses during the pandemic—family members, friends, livelihoods, home and memories. A space for candles on the altar will be designated for this. Sunday, May30th we’ll remember lost lives using the Prayers of the Faithful. In August, students and teachers returning to school will be featured. In September we’ll concentrate on livelihoods and homes.

Baptisms will continue at the end of May, and Confirmations in June.


Togo Project

  • Articles of Incorporation for 501c3 designation have been written.

A new bank account will be set up as soon as possible. We will need our

  • The new name for the Togo Project is: African Self-Determination Foundation (ASDF).
  • Two grants were written. One was received in March. Another was submitted in March. If we receive this grant, it is anticipated that we will receive the monies sometime in October, 2021.
  • Possible solutions to affordability include splitting the cost of one student’s tuition among 2-3 donors, especially for university students, and asking if donors would like to just give an amount, not actually sponsor a student.
  • Undocumented Immigrants
    • In February we received a grant. Another grant was written on 2/1/21. If we receive this grant it will be paid out between 7/1/21 and 6/30/22.
    • In March donations from two individuals were received for $450.
    • Our grants have currently paid for all expenses related to helping undocumented immigrants. St. James parish has not had to pay for any of these expenses.
    • We have currently helped 61 immigrants.
  • Journey to New Life
  • Collection for Journey – Previously we have collected blankets, sheets, pillows, towels, kitchen supplies and cleaning supplies for women


St. James celebrates its 115th anniversary this August. The celebration is planned for Sunday, August 29th, 2021 following Mass. We will gather on the south lawn.

Initial plans include: various ethnic food, drinks, music, kids’ activities and all of us together for celebrating.


No report available

 MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE (Chris Zaroor / Ben Babaran)

Work continues on organ removal. Lighting, sound and live streaming updates are in progress.


Participation by parishioner volunteers has been very strong, enabling the planting of all summer vegetables; several new tomato cages were acquired from Cultivate KC. Work sessions will continue on Saturday mornings with special assignments completed during the work week.