The Garden Gang has been hard at work this Spring and the first of our veggies are ready to
be picked. If you are interested in joining us, we tend the garden every Saturday morning,
weather permitting. Please let Sarah Hirsch,, know to be included
on the email list. In addition, If you are not able to join us on Saturdays but would like to be
part of the gardening effort, the Garden Gang always welcomes people to water during the
This week we are pleased to have the following ready for picking:
This week, May 23, the following are ready for picking:
South Garden
Beds 2: Lettuce and Arugula
Bed 3: Lettuce
Bed 4 and 5: Radishes
East Garden Kale and Collards
Along the edges of many of the beds in both South and East Garden: Onions.
Tip: The arugula blossoms and radish leaves make spicy additions to salads.