Social Justice Committee Report – 1/19/21 – Connie Anderson
Undocumented Immigrants
From April, 2017 to now St. James Social Justice Committee has helped 55 individuals with issues related to green cards, naturalization, and citizenship.
Togo, Africa – Tuition for needy students
In the 2020-2021 school year tuition of $24,100 has been paid for 105 students. This is the third school year where we have helped students in Togo receive an education. In the past 3 years we have sent over $64,000 to help these deserving students receive an education.
Community Services League
The Social Justice Committee met with sponsors from the Community Services League to discuss their new program called Next $tep KC. This program provides small dollar loans and consolidation loans to get out of payday loan traps. They also provide larger loans for housing needs. St. James can be a referral partners for the same financial services.
Journey to New Life
We will continue to collect quarterly donations asking parishioners to bring needed items to the parish house.
Giving Tree
Christmas presents were provided for 25 children this year. Money for heating oil for the elderly in Anapra was also collected – money is still coming in – so far we have raised $780.
Togo Hunger Fund
$525 was collected from the Social Justice Committee to give to the Togo Hunger Fund.
We met on 10/28/20 and 12/2/20. Our next meeting is scheduled for 2/3/21.