Holy One, here we are.

We are in the middle of Holy Week.

We are a few days from the parade.

We are only steps from the cross.

We are no longer who we’ve been.

We are not quite yet who we’ll be.

Creating Wonder, meet us in the middle.

In the middle of our anxiety.

In the middle of our sorrow.

In the middle of our worry.

In the middle of our grief.

In the middle of our uncertainty.

Compassionate Teacher, find us in the in-between.

In between our instinct and our thoughtfulness.

In between our decision and our action.

In between our ego and our self-doubt.

In between our frustration and our joy.

In between our insights and our victories.

Sustaining Spirit, fill us as we wait.

For the triumphal entry

To carry us to the overturned tables

To show us into the upper room

To find us at the darkened noonday hillside

To sit in the tomb-silent waiting

To arrive at the sunlit garden …

Alive. Called by name. Recognized. Known. Sent. Transformed.

Holy One, here we are.

We are yours.

Amen. Amen.

Printed with Permission:  Credit to Chalice Media Group