There are Stories that are too good to pass up:  Please click on Our Stories:
1)  Confirmation Service Projects have posted two:  Marialuna’s and Charlie’s.
More will be coming soon.   Please feel free to leave comments.

2) Pat Thompson and Bob Anderson’s Fall Environment story.  Check out the beautiful pictures that accompany the Story.

Several have commented on how meaningful and fitting the Prayers of Petition are.  These are always available to you to pray on a Sunday, throughout the week or at any time.  You can find them by going to the Menu Choice:  Sunday at St. James and click on the respective Sunday;    OR  go to Resources for Spiritual Reflection.

We are wanting pictures, pictures and more pictures.  Please go back through your phone and send us some pics either from last year or this year. We want to make a video of pics of the fun we have at St. James.  Just remember we will need parent’s permission for the kids’ pictures.  We have the ones from facebook thanks to Chris Dewberry, but we also need YOUR pics.
(send to

And finally or first and foremost:   tune into the Hamilton video encouraging ALL TO VOTE.   Click here: