Hello all!

This Sunday is the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Attached is my reflection on this Sunday’s readings.
Here are the LINKS for this Sunday:

  1. For the LIVE Stream Mass at 10 AM, please click this link JAMES FACEBOOK PAGE.
  2. To access the recording of the Live Stream Mass, please go back to the Facebook link
  3. Zoom Meeting after Mass at 11:30 AM – please click this link JAMES ZOOM MEETING.

If you want to attend Mass in person, please respond to this email or call the parish office at 816-561-8512 to let me know.

Please make sure to access the Community Garden Update and the Thank You Note from the Fundraising Committee.

Blessings of peace and good health to all.

St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator|

Benedict L. Babaran


Ben’s Reflection.pdf

Community Garden Update.pdf

Thank You!.pdf