Hello all!
This Sunday is the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also World Mission Sunday. Please do not forget to send your Mission Sunday Envelopes or Donations to the parish office.
If you or somebody you know needs a ride to the polls, please let us know by calling the parish office at 816-561-8512 or sending us an email at parish@stjkc.org.
In November, we will be honoring family members, relatives and friends who passed away with a memorial table in church. Please send your memorabilia to the parish office or scan them to the parish email above.
For the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, “The Between the Cracks Fund” helped families with rent and utilities. Thank you for your continued support.
Here are the LINKS for this Sunday:
- For the LIVE Stream Mass at 10 AM, please click this link ST. JAMES FACEBOOK PAGE.
- To access the recording of the Live Stream Mass, please click this link RECORDED LIVE STREAM MASS.
- REMINDER: This Sunday, the 18th of October, is the third Sunday of the month. This means the Zoom Meeting after Mass will happen at 11:30 AM. Please click this link to join the ZOOM MEETING AFTER MASS.
If you want to attend Mass in person, please respond to this email or call the parish office at 816-561-8512 to let me know.
In addition, please look into these attachments: Fr. Mike’s Reflection and the Community Garden Update.
Be well and stay healthy.
Benedict L. Babaran
St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator
Nuns on the Bus: https://stjkc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/NUNS-ON-THE-BUS-4.pdf