This Sunday is the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Bonnie Haghirian shares her reflection. Please see attached 33rd Sunday in OT Bulletin.

May we invite those who can attend the Sunday Mass in-person to join us in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in St. James KC. Fr. Garry Richmeierwill be our celebrant.

We continue to livestream our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, reaching out to parishioners and friends who are in hospitals, in nursing homes or housebound. In addition, the availability of the livestream Sunday Mass is for those who may be pregnant, parents of unvaccinated children, immunocompromised and unvaccinated individuals. Here is the link to the livestream: Facebook Page of St. James Midtown KC. Recording of the livestreamed Mass can be accessed at


·       The blessing of the new paintings is this Sunday during the 10am Mass. The artist, Kwanza Humphrey, will be present.

·       There is another Baptism this Sunday. Clara Jane Owsley, daughter of Greg and Caroline Owsley will be baptized during Mass.

·       Confirmation class starts this Sunday.

·       The Parish Office will be CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holiday from November 22 to 24, Wednesday to Friday respectively.

·       Next Sunday, you are invited to sign-up for the Cinnamon Roll Fundraiser. You may also start ordering pans of Cinnamon Rolls next Sunday.

·       All are welcome to join the Garden Gang spread wood chips around our brambles, berries, and vines. We will gather at 9:30am on Wednesday, November 22. Bring gloves, wheelbarrows, shovels, and racks if you have them.


·       To all who have given towards the Annual Catholic Appeal, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Twenty-six households have thus far given, totaling $3,210 which is 44% of the goal of $7,355.

·       For the past couple of weekends, Mass attendance in person averaged 250+. Thank you to all parishioners and guests who filled St. James with your presence and participation.


·       33rd Sunday in OT Bulletin

·       St. James New Portraits

·       Alliance to End Human Trafficking

Benedict L. Babaran

St. James Catholic Church
Parish Administrator