
The newest post will show at the top of the page.  Click on the title to read full article. 


9th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Mar 9 2025

Good day St. James Community.  Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead one hour Sunday morning.   Here is the latest news and your Sunday, March 9, 2025, bulletin. Please take time to read the bulletin.It has a wealth of information and updates. This Sunday is The...

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Garden update March 8 2025

Garden update March 8 2025

Last Saturday the South raised beds were repaired. This Saturday come join us at 10:00 am  repair the East raised beds and trim cherry bushes.

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Stay Up-to-Date on Immigration Policy and Church Teaching

The first 90 days of the new presidential administration have included a flurry of activity and executive orders. As policies continue to shift, we urge you to stay updated by following the USCCB/Migration and Refugee Services. To assist at a local level, please...

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Single women age 18-40 thinking about a Religious Life?

Come, let us Adore - The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration invite single women, ages 18 - 40 who are considering religious life, to a Monastic Experience March 8-13, 2025, at their monastery at  31970 State Highway P, Clyde, Missouri.  It’s a chance to...

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St James is looking for a Synodal Parish Director

St. James is a parish with a rich history of living the Catholic Social Teachings at the corner of 39th and Troost in Kansas City, MO. We have a very active community comprising approximately 200 families spread over 72 zip codes in the metro area.  Many of our...

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Faith and Grief Sessions at Visitation Parish

Three sessions will be presented on Faith and Grief at Visitation Parish.  Please read the flyer below for more information. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Faith and Grief-March through...

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Stewardship Appeal

Stewardship Appeal

We continue to receive Stewardship Appeal Commitment Cards in the mail and in the offertory basket. A big THANK YOU to everyone who turned in a card so far. It is important that you turn in a card so we can update our parish roster with the information on the card....

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New Paintings on Church Walls by Kwanza Humphrey

New Paintings on Church Walls by Kwanza Humphrey

Parishioner Bob Anderson tells the story of the new paintings on the church walls of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman FSPA, Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, and Venerable Augustine Tolton.  The Kansas City artist Kwanza Humphrey (pictured...

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St. James Catholic Church

3909 Harrison (street address)
Kansas City, Missouri 64110

PO Box 30388 (mailing address)
Kansas City, MO  64112

Office Hours

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Thanks to Chris Dewberry for providing photos on the website.