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Gmail Announcement, Presentation of Our Lord, Feb 2 2025
Dear St. James Community, This Sunday, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord. We welcome anyone who can attend Sunday Mass at St. James at 10 a.m. Fr. Garry Richmeier will be our celebrant. Considering that many parishioners are still suffering the effects of the...

Bulletin for Feb 2 2025, Presentation of Our Lord
Presentation of Our Lord, Feb 2 2025 We continue to livestream our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass, reaching out to parishioners and friends who are in hospitals, in nursing homes or housebound. In addition, the availability of the livestream Sunday Mass is for those...
Pope Francis taps Cardinal McElroy as Washington DC’s new archbishop
"The cardinal has called for "radical inclusion" in the church, particularly among the divorced and remarried and LGBTQ Catholics, as well as voicing his support for the restoration of the female diaconate."...

Stewardship Appeal
We continue to receive Stewardship Appeal Commitment Cards in the mail and in the offertory basket. A big THANK YOU to everyone who turned in a card so far. It is important that you turn in a card so we can update our parish roster with the information on the card....

New Paintings on Church Walls by Kwanza Humphrey
Parishioner Bob Anderson tells the story of the new paintings on the church walls of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman FSPA, Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi, and Venerable Augustine Tolton. The Kansas City artist Kwanza Humphrey (pictured...
My Experience with Sr. Thea Bowman, by Joan DeMerchant
In the late 1980’s, I was the Associate Director of the Institute for Pastoral Life (IPL) in Kansas City, an organization founded to serve the Home Mission Dioceses in the U.S. Our mission was to train liaisons (men and women: religious, lay, and ordained) from these...
Marialuna’s 4th Story: Who is a real friend??
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Marialuna’s 2nd Story: Dear God, It sure is worth the effort…
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...

Marialuna’s 3rd video: Thank you for sharing with me ….
The St. James Youth Group activities always include an opportunity for service hours. Examples of service opportunities include Trunk or Treat at the Ronald McDonald House and the Souper Bowl of Caring for Harvesters. This year, due to the pandemic we had to rethink...