Connie Anderson
Contact the Social Justice Team
Support to Immigrants and Refugees
- The committee helps undocumented immigrants and refugees obtain their green cards and citizenship. Those served include immigrants in the greater Kansas City area from Jamaica, Nigeria, Guatemala, Mexico, Ethiopia, Zambia, El Salvador, Haiti, Philippines, Ecuador, and Belize. Committee members work with lawyers, social workers, medical health personnel, and other parishioners to help these individuals. Assistance includes securing job placements, providing lodging in immigrant-friendly areas, supplying food needs, and providing measures to stay safe in their homes. The committee also works in conjunction with a not-for-profit immigrant aid organization in Kansas City, Kansas, and is provided additional support and advice by an immigration lawyer who donates time to work with us on this initiative. Contact Social Justice Committee chair Connie Anderson to get involved.
Togo, Africa Student Sponsorship Program
- One clear request for education assistance has come from our St. James parishioners from the West African nation of Togo. There, the government provides only 25% of the money necessary to support schools. The additional cost of education is beyond the means of most parents who live on a meager income. St. James parishioners and friends are currently supporting the education of 106 students. A St. James committee coordinates this project by working directly with the on-site director in Togo, matching students with willing sponsors, collecting money to send to Togo, translating report cards from French to English, distributing report cards to supporters, and assisting in the oversight of this overall program. In July – September the committee works to sign up sponsors for this program. CONTACT parishioners Albertine Kangni-Soukpe or Marcus Liddell for more information.
Juarez/Manos Amigos:
- Initiated by Deacon Ross Beaudoin, This is a long-standing partnership with a community in Mexico. Establish school sponsorship for children in need in Anapra, provide continuous awareness of political and economic issues., and provide supplies for children’s summer vacation bible school. CONTACT Ross Beaudoin, for more information
- ALSO: In November and December of each year, as part of the Christmas Giving Tree project, St. James collects money to pay for heating fuel to be used in the homes of the elderly of Anapra/Juarez. CONTACT St. James parishioners Marcus Liddell or Katie Wiegand.
Grant Writing:
- In order to accomplish their stated goals, the Social Justice Committee has applied to other churches and organizations for funds to support the above initiatives. Grants have been received from Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Kansas City, MO Province; Central Presbyterian Church, Kansas City, MO; and Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Leavenworth, KS; Additional funding sources are currently being explored. If you have experience in grant writing, or wish to help in any way, CONTACT Connie Anderson.