Hello all!

This Sunday is the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Fr. Mike shares a reflection to help with the Sunday readings. Please see attached file.

It is with great joy to announce the wedding of Megan Jean Dux, daughter of parishioners Thomas and Sally Dux,  and Edwin Huntington last Monday, August 6, at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. Please see attached file.

The STJKC.ORG website is now accessible. However, the posting of the Live Stream Mass recording is still being worked on. The same is true with the Mass Hymns.

So, here are the LINKS for this Sunday:

  1. For the LIVE Stream Mass at 10 AM, please click this link ST. JAMES FACEBOOK PAGE.
  2. To access the recording of the Live Stream Mass, please go back to the above FaceBook link.
  3. Zoom Meeting after Mass at 11:30 AM – please click this link ST. JAMES ZOOM MEETING.

If you want to attend Mass in person, please respond to this email or call the parish office at 816-561-8512 to let me know.

As we approach St. James’ 114th Founding Anniversary, I am including the plan for our virtual celebration.


  1. Fr. Mike’s Reflection
  2. Megan Dux’s Wedding
  3. Community Garden Update
  4. 114th Anniversary Update