Please join us after Mass for lunch that the parish office provides when we have five Sundays in a month.  Enjoy time with each other and meet a new friend!

Pantry Sunday

Please bring donations for the pantry at Bishop Sullivan Center to Mass on Sunday Jan 5 2025.  Requested items are peanut butter, bar soap, rice, and hand warmers.

Hospitality Sunday

Everyone is invited to stay after our 10 AM Mass for treats and conversation.  Introduce yourself to someone and have a fun conversation!

All-parish meeting after Mass

Our monthly all-parish meeting will be after our 10 AM Mass.  We encourage everyone to stay for and participate in this meeting, which will be in the church.

MLK Prayer Service at STLF

  Parish Faith Formation Opportunity In observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, St. Therese Little Flower Parish will host the 3rd Annual "Called to Serve Others—Sharing a Little […]